APRIL 2023
Steve Adkins & Tony Cox release club statements regarding our relegation from the South Central Division & plans for next season.
To all our officials, volunteers, and supporters.
It is a sad day for all of us to see our great club relegated from the Isthmian
League. It causes me just as much pain as it does to all of you.
I take full responsibility for the position we are in, and I apologise for it. We
have already started to plan for next season to ensure we are in a position to ensure a swift return back up.
'How?' You may ask; at this point we cannot share everything with you, but I can assure you that there are strong plans which will be implemented. During my watch at the club, we have had some amazing results and helped to build some incredible careers along the way, and I am proud of what we have achieved.
I will give everything I can to ensure our absence from the Isthmian League is a short one, and I ask that we all pull together and work with each other to achieve this.
My thanks and best wishes to each and every one of you.
Steve Adkins, Chairman
So, where do we go from here?
There is one thing we can all agree on: we should not be where we are.
This football club, with its proud history, its heroically supportive fans and its unfair advantages of location and facilities, should never have gone down this season. We all have to look at ourselves and ask how we let this happen and what we must do to put it right. For my part, I recognise my responsibilities and I deeply regret that I did not manage to avert this disaster.
Before I go any further, I want to express my admiration for the tireless support that the amazing T&M fans have shown for the First Team in this frustrating and disappointing season. They really tried their best to help us stay up and I regret that that was all in vain.
In the immediate pain of relegation, but with three games yet to play, it is not the time for clear thinking or decisive moves, but there are some fundamental issues that can be clarified or re-stated.
First, there is the centrality of the First Team to everything we do in this organisation. It is our flagship, and a massive part of our public face. It is the magnet that draws the best players and coaches to our Academy, youth teams and to the facilities themselves. It is the yardstick by which our reputation is measured.
Secondly, whatever we do next, we must preserve and enhance our very successful Academy and youth operations because they are integral to our career pathway for coaches and to our reputation for finding and developing excellent young players. They are well funded and they take nothing away from our First Team efforts – rather the reverse.
I hope for a few decent results in the last few games, for our fans to enjoy and to establish a launchpad for a much better season next year.
Tony Cox
Acting Chairman

The latest Fans Forum was held on 30th March and was attended by arround 50 supporters. Everyone had their chance to put their questions & views to the Managers (Ashley Bosah & Andy Hunt) & Acting Club Chairman Tony Cox
A detailed summary of the event & the questions raised will be in the Chipstead Programme on 10th April

T&MUFC Easter Egg Fundraising
The Members Club started easter egg fundraising in 2002. Lead by Lyn Catchpole as part of the many charitable events that she runs, in connection with T&MUFC.
Lyn started delivering Eggs around 11 years ago, to the local hospital children's wards, in Queen Mary's & St Helier Hospitals but she now also delivers to St Antony's care home & St Raphael hospice, plus a few more.
Delivering over 280 egg in 2022 & 270 in 2023.
Without your donations, this would not be possible, so THANK YOU
Here are some pics, so you can see those that received eggs.
Once again, thanks for your contributions